
Comments (4)

Kelly Carlson said

at 12:00 pm on Oct 20, 2018

The Department of Education Office of Technology has a National Education Technology Plan
The graphic they provide I found was helpful in visualizing networks & infrastructure. I've added it as a file and put it in Managing>Managing Networks. (Sorry, I can't figure out how to edit the file names, wanted it to be our class name. Would appreciate help if someone knows how).

In the tech plan, they have an infrastructure section; they provide case studies as well as recommendations. They have a great section on Device and Network Management

Kelly Carlson said

at 5:00 pm on Oct 20, 2018

I've begun reading the Technology Coordinator's Handbook, chapter 4 Network Operations. Authors Frazier & Hearrington provide an online resource "An Educator's Guide to School Networks" by the University of South Florida. It looks to be from about 2013, but is an online course that walks through various aspects of networking, hardware, and software.

Kelly Carlson said

at 5:17 pm on Oct 20, 2018

As a beginner to networking, I've been searching for some information to explain what a network is, the different types of typology and what it all means.
This looks to be an interesting resource that includes free quizzes

Kelly Carlson said

at 1:36 pm on Nov 1, 2018

Wondering what your schools use to manage their networks. My school uses a Meraki dashboard as the majority of their network is Cisco. It was interesting to see it work as we recently were struck by lightning and it wreaked serious havoc with our network. When we pulled up the dashboard, we could easily see when the hit occurred, how long the internet and server were down, and even a video of the fire department arriving at the school to answer the fire alarm.

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