What is it?
The most basic part of this is a place where you can store and access webpages so others can view on the internet. The easiest websites for most users already have templates that allows the users to modify a site, but has very little control on design. More complex actually can host a web server where someone can access more than just a website. This type of service can be used for more advanced features like moodle.
Where is it found?
Most internet service providers will allow users to host on their sites. There are many different sites that offer website hosting some are
What are the computer requirements to use it?
You need to have a computer with internet access. Some of these sites you require a ftp client which is file transfer protocal. This allows users to place files on the hosting website. Depending on the site, you may need software to create your website such as dreamweaver, expressions web or other comparable software.
How much does it cost?
Depending on the website, it may be free or it may have a cost associated with it. You need to look at the individual websites hosting sites themselves.
How do you use it?
You use this in order to place websites and other information on the web in a visual format where people can search and use the site.
What are its uses in education?
Teachers can use these services in order to create classroom material and other resources for students to use and access.
Are there any potential drawbacks?
Content of these sites can be inaccurate. These sites may not be able to be accessed inside the school due to filters.
Other similiar technologies?
http://www.pow-pak.com/powpak.html - allows for webpage development, but it is hosted on a school server.
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