Flipping a University
Flipping a University Classroom is just like any other flipped classroom where the instructor makes videos of lectures, notes, and assignments for students to watch at their own convenience. The students then come to class to talk about the videos that they watched for that previous class enabling them to voice their opinions and input on the lecture. The flipped classroom setting allows students to have more of a say in their learning and lets the instructors turn into a tutoring type instructor to further support student learning when needed.
Here is an article on using a flipped classroom in a university setting:
Many University professors may be cautious to attempt such a shift in teaching mind set with their classroom students. While the traditionalist may continue to conform to the ideals of students seated for lecture format, some may want to attempt a more collaborative attempt at learning. Then following article describe how this can be done in several types of classrooms, as well as give design ideas for the professor.
Example Lesson: Physical Therapist Assistant Technology Program, Special Topics Course: Documentation in Physical Therapy (hybrid course)
Topic: Reimbursement by Third Party Payers
Length of Topic Module: 2 hour lecture (day one, week one) followed by 2 hour lab (day two, week two)
2 hour Lecture Design: Students will access the course materials available in the course management system. The instructor will post information about major reimbursement models for third party payers, including Medicare A, B and Medicaid. This information should be in audio format with an accompanying camtasia or powerpoint visual lecture to follow. This information should take no more than 1 hour to complete by students. The second part of materials for this lecture should include video of at least 3 patient treatments. These patient treatments should include 3 patient care settings including outpatient orthopaedics, acute care hospital and a long term care treatment. Students will review each treatment and have general ideas of what needs to be documented in each treatment.
2 hour Lab Design: Instructor will have initial evaluations available for each of the patient's viewed in the video portion of the lecture design. The students will be placed in groups of 3-4 students depending on size of the class to make one group for each patient scenario. The groups will work together to develop a progress note for the treatment session that includes information gathered in the initial evaluation and the video treatment. This portion of the group work should take 30 minutes. Groups will then pass their work off to another group. Each group will now be given a role to play in the reimbursement portion of the project. Students will evaluate another groups work based on the roles (type of insurance) they were given. Feedback will be documented and reimbursement levels will be assigned based on the work the documentation team has done. This portion of the assignment should take one hour. The final 30 minutes should be used to reflect on the reimbursement assigned by the reviewers.
Instructor Role: The instructor will, of course, be responsible for setting up the lecture materials online. During the lab session the instructor should stimulate student to student discussion by interjecting questions into the small group discussions that lead the students to explore different options for appropriate documentation. The instructor will assist students in the reimbursement review portion of the project by leading students to key points of review for documentation.
Assessment: Students should be introduced to the grading rubric for this assignment prior to beginning the project. Students who do well in the group assignment will show good understanding and tactile documentation that elicits high reimbursement rates for their patient. The patient who does poorly will not come to the lab session prepared evident by an inability to produce appropriate documentation based on the video patients.
Comments (3)
ewilso3@... said
at 3:46 pm on Nov 12, 2013
This is what I did my research critique on. Basically it points out that Flipped Classrooms in an introduction to MS Excel class taught by the Information Systems Department in the Marriott School of Management in Brigham Young University were just as effective as "regular" classrooms. In both the regular classroom and the flipped classroom 80% of students felt that they learned something. I can go on, but I"m not sure exactly what you had planned to use on this page.
Kelsie Markijohn said
at 1:01 am on Dec 5, 2013
Since you did your research critique on this topic, perhaps you should go ahead and actually add the information to the webpage (especially since nothing has been added to it yet.
tkiphart@... said
at 7:31 pm on Dec 7, 2013
That bottom link is not going to the correct place. Attempting to correct that.
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