Gmail is Google's free email service that utilizes cloud computing. It can be accessed from any mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer and has a 15GB shared storage across all of Google for individual accounts and unlimited for Google Apps for Educators accounts.
Converts office documents to HTML format
Attach the office document to a message and send it to one's own Gmail account. When the mail arrives, open it and click “View as HTML."
Can be used as an MP3 Player
Self-send a file and select the MP3 option to play it without downloading the song.
Creates an Open ID
For sites that only accept a URL as an OpenID field, use This site, built on Google App Engine, allows one to create a OpenID URL from her/his Google Account Credentials. Login with a Gmail username and password and the site will provide you a URL that can be used on regular OpenID- accepting sites.
Provides Online Storage
Gmail provides a virtually unlimited online space that typical users find impossible to fill up with emails alone. GMail Drive is a shell extension for Windows that adds the Gmail storage as a disk in My Computer. All operations that normally executed with a regular hard drive – copy, paste, drag and drop - work for Gmail drive, too, storing data in Google clouds.
Pros and Cons:
"Stacks" and organizes conversations into threads.
Has very thorough malware and virus checking.
Offers a one-stop portal for calendaring, file storage, photo hosting, YouTube, blogging, financial advice, and more.
Provides 10+ GB of email storage space
Contains 25MB per email capacity
Has strong uptime
Supplies numerous rich text features
IMAP / POP3 and combining multiple email boxes into your Gmail
Allows keystroke shortcuts
Ability to create priority inbox
Filters spam
Incorporates the power and speed of Google
Can be used with external domains (e.g.
Limits reply messages to a small screen
Incorporates advertising when user reads or replies to email
Provides "labels" instead of folders
Limits integration to Google+ social media
Does not allow for un-deleting
Uses plain text features
Google indexes your emails to provide search capabilities and target ads
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